Welcome to our Parish
The people of our parish show a great pride in our Churches and parish and we hope to continue the excellent work of our predecessors and the various organisations and committees within the parish.
If you contribute to the life of the parish by attending Mass and other celebrations, give your time and talents as a volunteer in one of the many lay ministries and/or provide financial support. We would like to offer our sincere thanks and encourage you to continue to be part of our parish family as it grows and develops.
Mass Times
Church of the Immaculate Conception & St. Senan's, Kilkee Winter Mass Schedule

Sunday Mornings Public MASS and also Live Streamed | 11.00 a.m. Public Mass at 11.00 a.m. Sunday Morning . Please join us for our Mass from Kilkee Church via the parish webcam. |
Friday Evenings Kilkee Church Winter Public MASS and also Live Streamed. | 7.00 p.m. Friday Evenings Kilkee Church : Public MASS at 7.00 p.m. . Please join us for our Mass from Kilkee Church via the parish webcam |
St. Flannan's Church, Lisdeen

Wednesday Evening MASS | 7.00 p.m. Mass is celebrated in Lisdeen Church on Wednesday evenings at 7.00p.m |
Newsletter 5th January 2025
January 3, 2025
Celebrating 60 years of our Parish Churches
July 12, 2023
This July we honour and celebrate the tremendous work of the generation of people and priests who some 60 years ago in the parish undertook the task of planning and construction of our present day churches at Lisdeen and Kilkee.
Over the coming months we will focus on their faith and dedication in many ways…
See All Notices